Looking to Buy?
Factors such as how and when you plan to use your fireplace will ensure you find the right model for your home. We’ve assembled some tools and information to assist you with your selection.

Fireplace Efficiency
Not only is a gas fireplace a beautiful addition to your home, it can also be a source of warmth. Look for a model that has a higher Fireplace Efficiency (FE) and bears the EnerChoice label.

All gas fireplaces sold in Canada are required to be listed with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and include details which can help when choosing your fireplace, such as efficiency and ignition type.

Have questions about gas fireplaces? Visit our FAQ section and learn from our most frequently asked questions.

For more support and information on Fireplace Efficiency (FE), EnerChoice, or EnerGuide Labeling for Gas Fireplaces, please contact us at energuide@hpbacanada.org.